Aug 1, 2011

All About Laila: 7 Months!

Woo hoo. I can definitely say month 7 of Laila's life was amazing!! I can't believe that she is already 8 months, I'm sure this month will be even better..

All About Laila: 7 Beautiful Months! 

Laila is still a little peanut weighing in at __ pounds ___ inches. I'll update this once I find out.

She can still fit into some of her size 3 clothes but is mostly wearing size 6's. We've moved her on up to size 3 diapers because we were having too many blow-out issues. And you all know those are gross. Haha. We've also decided to stop using Pampers Swaddlers and started using Pampers Cruisers and so far, they're amazing. I've had no issues and no complaints.

She sits, she crawls, she pulls her self up. And she just started doing the official crawling a week after turning 7 months. She is definitely on the go, anywhere and everywhere. Her favorite place to crawl and hang out seems to be the kitchen...not sure why but I find it gross because her legs and feet get disgustingly dirty..Yes, we clean our floors but they are SO damaged. Guess that's what we get for living in a old house.
I've walked in on her standing in her crib numerous times, she even manages to do it in the middle of the night. This terrifies me, I'm just worried she'll hurt herself. She also pulled herself up holding onto our coffee table and all I could see was her nose and up. That girl definitely has some muscles.

This month she has been on and off sleeping thru the night. It seem she sleeps longer stretches when she is in our room. I wonder if this has to do with the temperature difference. Our room = nice and cool. Her room = not so much. Another downside of living in a old house, no central AC.

If she isn't sleeping thru the night, she's waking up once to eat and goes right back to sleep...most of the time. Sometimes, she stays awake for a couple minutes talking to her pacifier and pulling your hair {if she's in bed with us} She's also, most of the time, waking up another time, I think just out of habit.
We've also transitioned her to her crib..sort of. It's an on and off battle. But we're working on it.

Laila loves to eat food and gets so jealous when she sees someone eat or drink. We have learned not to give her "Mixed Veggies" from Beech Nut. It makes her throw up a ton on and off all evening. Must be the carrots because we've had the same issue with just carrots alone. She finally loved the Chiquita Bananas by Beech Nut. Delicious.

This month she has also tried real bananas mashed up and cut into little pieces, raspberries, strawberries, goldfish, fig newtons and green beans. The only thing she wasn't a fan of was the raspberries. She also has tried strawberry and banana Gerber Yogurt. She enjoyed the banana but couldn't stop gagging with the strawberry. She also loves pumpkin muffins! That girl has her fathers taste buds, which I am so thankful of.

She is still a total water baby. Doesn't matter what type of water she's in, she's lovin' it. I've bought her a whale pool from Tar-Jay and I can't wait to have her try it out. As for baths, we're experimenting without using the baby bathtub. So far, it's going pretty good but it's time for us to get new grippers and a faucet cover. Safety first!

Speaking of safety first, it's time for us to baby proof our house now that we have a mobile baby. And there is something about baby proofing that scares me. Maybe because it really means my baby is mobile and no longer just lies there playing. Oy.

Her new work is... mama and boy, is it a beautiful word to hear. I have been waiting for the day and she just started saying mama a couple days ago. She is still a total daddy's girl, which I don't mind.

She is an outside baby, all the way
Does amazing playing all by herself in her room
Loves her jumbo Lego's
Has a huge fascination with cords {not good}
Hates her bottle and only gets in in the mornings and nights
Loves to climb all over you
Loves grass
Has a huge love for animals, especially Mykenzie
Will eat anything you give her, she has her daddy's taste buds
Still uses her swing for night time
Goes searching for things when they go missing

7 months has been amazing and I am so excited for my baby to be 8 months!

4 lovely comments:

Etosia (e-tasha) said...

Happy 8 Months Big Girl! Rylin is EVERYWHERE!!! It's insane!

Leah Beamon said...

such a great age. Our son turns three this week and I was just telling my husband that I thought ages 6-10 months was the best!!

Unknown said...

Happy 8 months! As usual, she sounds just like Elliot!!

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